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Through his photos he seeks to present the diversity and charm of Earth’s four basic climatic zones at different times of the year. These zones also symbolize the four basic elements shaping the nature of our planet since its very beginning. In the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic, water dominates in the form of ice caps and glaciers stretching to the horizon and providing shelter and habitat to many endangered animals. The temperate climates feature mountain ranges, rocky cliff s and caves Earth has ingeniously created. The evergreen and climatically comfortable subtropics are characterized pleasant air that cools in summer, while protecting against cold winds from the north in winter. Fire comes from sunlight, scorching deserts and bringing eternal summer to the tropics. More than 400 photographs taken by Kulisev during his travels highlight geographical realities about the places he has visited. If you view them with open eyes and an open mind, you will see the symphony of the four elements of our planet, whether standing in front of the blood red, sun-burning fi re of Uluru in Australia, before the glacial walls of Svalbard, on the last bit of solid ground before the North Pole, or taking in the rich palette of colors from an Indian autumn in Maine.

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